Madrid.rb - January 2022

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Component visual testing with ViewComponents and

Component-driven (UI) Development is gaining track influenced by, among other things, the growing relevance of Design Systems and the increase of the complexity and number of the use cases any application has to be able to manage "looking right". Storybook has emerged as one of the best Open Source tools to make it possible into development teams.

In this talk i'll talk about RailsStorybookAppraise (or RSA xD), a PoC of Visual (painless) Testing using, Storybook, and the ViewComponents Rails engine

Attendees: (11 of 60)


Josep Egea Sánchez
Events: 61
Topics: 8

Javier Vidal
Events: 28
Topics: 1

Alfonso Uceda
Events: 6
Topics: 0

Christos Zisopoulos
Events: 32
Topics: 1

Alfonso Alba
Events: 34
Topics: 3

Lorenzo Tello
Events: 2
Topics: 0

Enrique Macip
Events: 18
Topics: 0

Rafa de Castro
Events: 18
Topics: 1

Diego Maldonado
Events: 9
Topics: 0

Xavier Noria
Events: 1
Topics: 0

Izel Nakri | izelnakri.eth
Events: 4
Topics: 0
